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Changing time - COVID-19 aftermath

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

This post is written during COVID-19 pandemic. Such period of time got me thinking - what lies in there that we can learn from?

It seems like people got even more united once they got separated and locked down at home.

What can we take out of the quarantine?

There are the things I learnt myself:

- Proactiveness - these are the times when, if you do not want to be given tasks all the time and follow the instructions, you need to act and initiate certain processes

- Self-management - it is time to see what you can do and how to manage yourself more successfully

- Creativity & Innovativeness - that is about you finding new ways of making your home a brand new world

- Confidence - there are less ways today to get appraisals, so you need to make sure you are the only person who you would really need from to believe in you

- Emotional intelligence - as a new black when it comes to required skills in the future, you can now try and manage to define emotions of interlocutors via web.

My point is, it depends on you: how you will use the given opportunities and self-develop.

Some of us need support on the way, some - frustration, some - just the chance to talk things and plans through to get clarity. That is also a reason why coaching can help you!

Welcome to getting to know yourself more and grow further!

'Unless you head, you cannot really go - you are just trampling on'

See you on coaching sessions!

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